Monday, March 10, 2008

ITM 6.1 pre-patch best practice, let's digup and gather...

Now that patches are coming out for ITM 6.1, many people are asking what should we do before implementing a patch. Full filesystem backups on all platforms and registry backups on Windows are all essential. However there a couple of utilities that collect the various logs and configuration information from the various components installed.

Read on...

On Windows systems there is a "gather" command called "" in the \IBM\ITM\TMAITM6 directory. This will collect all the logs from the agents and the TEMS. Additionally it will collect registry information, netstat and ipconfig information. This is a great way to collect all the logs and not have to search the various directories. A .tar.gz file will be created in the %CANDLEHOME%/tmp directory.

On Unix/Linux there is a comparable utility called "digup". The digup command collects files from $CANDLEHOME/registry, /tables, /logs, /config as well as basic system information. Running digup -? will provide the usage statements.

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