Showing posts with label Maximo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maximo. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2020

Exception handling in Maximo automation scripts with try except

For the longest time, I thought that try/except blocks didn't work in automation scripts. A colleague asked me about them yesterday, so I figured I would try it out again, and found that they work. It's really just like normal Python exception handling. Here's a script I used to test it, with an Object Launch Point on Save for the SR object:

from psdi.server import MXServer
import sys

  print "an error was encountered"
  e = sys.exc_info()[0]

The expected behavior is that a message will be written to the log file, but that an SR will be created, and that's exactly the behavior I observed. Here's what was in the log file:

[6/12/20 9:25:50:961 EDT] 000021c4 SystemOut     O 12 Jun 2020 09:25:50:961 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO] [] an error was encountered
<type 'psdi.util.MXApplicationException'>

Happy scripting!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

One solution for VMMSyncData has no values


During an IBM Control Desk (also applies to Maximo) implementation, we found a problem with the VMMSYNC cron task. Specifically, it didn't appear to pull any data from Active Directory. Or if it did, the data wasn't processed.


We had ChangePolling set to 1 in our cron task instance. We enabled DEBUG level logging for the VMMSYNC cron task and saw the following in SystemOut.log:

[3/25/20 19:28:06:374 EDT] 000001ba SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 19:28:06:374 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0c1] [CID-CRON-1618] Synchronizing VMM Users: vmmSubject Subject:

        Principal: defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/myproduser
        Public Credential:
        Private Credential:
        Private Credential:
        Private Credential:

[3/25/20 19:28:06:384 EDT] 000001ba SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 19:28:06:384 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0c1] [CID-CRON-1618] Synchronizing VMM Users: VMM search results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sdo:datagraph xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns:sdo="commonj.sdo" xmlns:wim="">
    <wim:entities xsi:type="wim:PersonAccount">
      <wim:identifier externalName="CN=myproduser,OU=Admin,o=MYCORP.COM"
          repositoryId="MYAD" uniqueId="CN=myproduser,OU=ADMIN,O=MYCORP.COM"
    <wim:controls xsi:type="wim:ChangeResponseControl">
[3/25/20 19:28:06:384 EDT] 000001ba SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 19:28:06:384 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0c1] [CID-CRON-1618] syncUser, syncData = <VMMSyncData has no values>

Notice the greenish highlighted text is the entry that should have been seen in the "VMMSyncData", but it says it has no values.

I then looked at the log of a working environment and saw that it was similar, but it actually worked:

[3/25/20 18:57:12:940 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:940 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] Synchronizing VMM Users: vmmSubject Subject:
        Principal: defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/myqauser
        Public Credential:
        Private Credential:
        Private Credential:
        Private Credential:
[3/25/20 18:57:12:944 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:944 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] Synchronizing VMM Users: VMM search results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sdo:datagraph xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns:sdo="commonj.sdo" xmlns:wim="">
    <wim:entities xsi:type="wim:PersonAccount">
      <wim:identifier externalName="CN=myqauser,OU=Admin,o=MYCORP.COM" repositoryId="MYAD"
          uniqueId="CN=myqauser,OU=ADMIN,O=MYCORP.COM" uniqueName="CN=myqauser,OU=Admin,o=MYCORP.COM"/>
    <wim:controls xsi:type="wim:ChangeResponseControl">

[3/25/20 18:57:12:944 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:944 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] syncUser, syncData = uid=myqauser
[3/25/20 18:57:12:956 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:956 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] insertRecord, columnName = personid
[3/25/20 18:57:12:956 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:956 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] value, value = myqauser
[3/25/20 18:57:12:956 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:956 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] insertRecord, columnName = type
[3/25/20 18:57:12:957 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:957 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] value, value = WORK
[3/25/20 18:57:12:957 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:957 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] insertRecord, columnName = isprimary
[3/25/20 18:57:12:957 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:957 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] value, value = 1
[3/25/20 18:57:12:957 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:957 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] insertRecord, columnName = emailaddress
[3/25/20 18:57:12:958 EDT] 000001b3 SystemOut     O 25 Mar 2020 18:57:12:957 [DEBUG] [MAXIMO0] [CID-CRON-102377] value, value = null

Notice the greenish highlighted text again, where it shows that the bind user was modified, and then it pulls in all of the attributes and values for that entity.

I found this link online and tried what it suggested, but this is outdated (I'm on ICD

That "changeType" attribute is absolutely NOT required any more - it's built into the VMMSYNC code.

The Solution

It turns out that the bind DN (user ID) that we were using apparently didn't have some permission or configuration in place. We actually tried with three different users before we found one that had the appropriate access to actually pull the data. 

What's really strange is that we could successfully use any of the three users with Apache Directory Studio to connect to Active Directory to see any and all data. But for some reason, only one of the users actually worked through VMMSYNC.

I will update if I find out from the AD team what the specific setting is, but I wanted to document this here for posterity.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Why you should use MXOSINCIDENT instead of OSLCINCIDENT for creating and querying ICD incidents

In re-reading the documentation and looking through the system, I finally recognized why the MXOSINCIDENT is a much better choice for integration than OSLCINCIDENT. The OSLCINCIDENT OSLC Resource only includes 11 attributes (fields) for an incident. Those are:


and that's it. So when you GET an incident via the OSLCINCIDENT URL (.../maximo/oslc/oslcincident/...), those are, essentially, all of the fields that you'll see for that incident. For example, here is the data I retrieved for incident number 1003 in my system:

rdf:resource ""
oslc:shortId "1003"
dcterms:title "First incident"
dcterms:created "2019-11-27T10:43:18-05:00"
dcterms:modified "2020-02-11T11:10:06-05:00"
sccd:statusdate "2019-11-27T10:43:18-05:00"
rdf:about ""
dcterms:identifier "9"
sccd ""
rdf ""
dcterms ""
oslc ""
_rowstamp "17235351"
rdf:resource ""
sccd:status_description "New"
rdf:resource ""

However, here's the data retrieved for the SAME incident using the MXOSINCIDENT URL (.../maximo/oslc/os/mxosincident/...):

spi:ticketid "1003"
spi:status "NEW"
spi:pluspporeq false
spi:virtualenv false
spi:hasactivity false
spi:relatedtoglobal false
spi:changeby "MAXADMIN"
spi:accumulatedholdtime 0
spi:selfservsolaccess false
_rowstamp "17235351"
spi:class_description "Incident"
spi:inheritstatus false
relatedrecord_collectionref ""
multiassetlocci_collectionref ""
spi:isknownerror false
spi:oncallautoassign false
spi:createdby "MAXADMIN"
spi:cinum "RBA_PAYROLL"
spi:statusdate "2019-11-27T10:43:18-05:00"
spi:affectedperson "MAXADMIN"
spi:class "INCIDENT"
spi:createwomulti "MULTI"
spi:description "First incident"
ticketspec_collectionref ""
spi:creationdate "2019-11-27T10:43:18-05:00"
spi:actlabhrs 0
spi:historyflag false
spi:sitevisit false
rdf:about ""
spi:createwomulti_description "Create Multi Records"
rdf ""
spi ""
oslc ""
spi:outageduration 0
spi:isglobal false
localref ""
spi:recordclass "INCIDENT"
spi:progress false
rdf:about "http://childkey#SU5DSURFTlQvTVVMVElBU1NFVExPQ0NJLzU-"
spi:langcode "EN"
spi:multiid 5
spi:isprimary true
spi:performmoveto false
rdf ""
spi ""
oslc ""
_rowstamp "17235352"
spi:hasld false
spi:pmchgassesment false
spi:recordkey "1003"
spi:cinum "RBA_PAYROLL"
spi:externalsystem_description "EVENT MANAGEMENT"
spi:pmscinvalid false
spi:reportdate "2019-11-27T10:43:18-05:00"
spi:hassolution false
spi:actlabcost 0
spi:changedate "2020-02-11T11:10:06-05:00"
spi:status_description "New"
spi:externalsystem "EVENTMANAGEMENT"
spi:affecteddate "2019-11-27T10:43:18-05:00"
spi:template false
spi:ticketuid 9
spi:reportedby "MAXADMIN"

To me, MXOSINCIDENT provides much better data.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Adding an Unauthenticated JSP to IBM Control Desk


We have a customer that needed to allow unauthenticated users to open tickets within IBM Control Desk, and we only had access to IBM HTTP Server and our Maximo/ICD WebSphere server to make that happen.

Security Risks

Essentially, anyone with the link can get to the pages described in this article. They could even write a script to create a huge number of tickets, taking down your ICD installation. So in any pages you create using this article, you need to do *something* to guard against that behavior. Exactly what you do depends on your specific situation. 

Where to Create the Unprotected JSP

You just need to create the .jsp file under:

For example, put the following in the file HelloWorld.jsp in the above directory:

  <TITLE>Hello World</TITLE>
  <H1>Hello World</H1>
  Today is: <%= new java.util.Date().toString() %>

Then access it with the url:

And this is what you'll see, with no login required:


That's it. Now you just need to write the JSP code to do what you need.


A JSP file added in this way would need to be re-deployed after each time you deploy the application. These instructions do NOT tell you how to add the JSP file to the EAR build process.
You need to manually copy the JSP file(s) to the appropriate location for each MAXIMO UI JVM.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Creating incident ticket in IBM Control Desk using the new REST API


Maximo introduced a new REST API that can be accessed via .../maximo/oslc . Here's a link to the documentation on it:

This is an all-JSON API that makes things a ton easier than it was with the older (and deprecated) XML-based REST API.

The Problem

However, that documentation is aimed at Maximo Enterprise Asset Management users and not IBM Control Desk users. That means there aren't any examples for creating incidents or service requests, for example.

Why You're Here

You want an example of creating an INCIDENT in ICD, and that's what I'll provide. I'm using ICD on WebSphere, DB2 and IBM HTTP Server, along with the sample data. That's how I have a classification ID and hierarchy structure in the example below.

Basically, the best way I've found is to use the MXOSINCIDENT object structure because it already has a bunch of relationships (including one to TICKETSPEC, so you can add specifications when creating an incident). Here are the details:

Additional header:
properties: *

    "reportedby": "MXINTADM",
    "description": "second MXINCIDENT OS API",
    "externalsystem": "EVENTMANAGEMENT",
    "classstructureid": "21010405",
    "ticketspec": [{"assetattrid": "computersystem_serialnumber","alnvalue": "99999"}]


    "affecteddate": "2019-11-29T15:02:00-05:00",
    "template": false,
    "creationdate": "2019-11-29T15:02:00-05:00",
    "hierarchypath": "21 \\ 2101 \\ 210104 \\ 21010405",
    "historyflag": false,
    "actlabcost": 0.0,
    "createwomulti_description": "Create Multi Records",
    "selfservsolaccess": false,
    "outageduration": 0.0,
    "ticketuid": 46,
    "inheritstatus": false,
    "reportdate": "2019-11-29T15:02:00-05:00",
    "class_description": "Incident",
    "description": "second MXINCIDENT OS API",
    "reportedby": "MXINTADM",
    "classificationid": "21010405",
    "sitevisit": false,
    "_rowstamp": "10009026",
    "accumulatedholdtime": 0.0,
    "createdby": "MXINTADM",
    "isknownerror": false,
    "affectedperson": "MXINTADM",
    "class": "INCIDENT",
    "ticketid": "1040",
    "ticketspec": [
            "classstructureid": "21010405",
            "changeby": "MXINTADM",
            "changedate": "2019-11-29T15:02:00-05:00",
            "alnvalue": "99999",
            "mandatory": false,
            "refobjectname": "INCIDENT",
            "ticketspecid": 7,
            "assetattrid": "COMPUTERSYSTEM_SERIALNUMBER",
            "_rowstamp": "10009029",
            "refobjectid": 46,
            "displaysequence": 1,
    "status_description": "New",
    "externalsystem_description": "EVENT MANAGEMENT",
    "classstructureid": "21010405",
    "changeby": "MXINTADM",
    "changedate": "2019-11-29T15:02:00-05:00",
    "externalsystem": "EVENTMANAGEMENT",
    "actlabhrs": 0.0,
    "relatedtoglobal": false,
    "hasactivity": false,
    "statusdate": "2019-11-29T15:02:00-05:00",
    "createwomulti": "MULTI",
    "hassolution": false,
    "virtualenv": false,
    "pluspporeq": false,
    "isglobal": false,
    "oncallautoassign": false,
    "pmscinvalid": false,
    "status": "NEW"


To successfully do the above, you do need to Configure Object Structure security: , and the user MUST have a Default Insert Site, which apparently my MXINTADM user does. MAXADMIN in my system DOES NOT, so it fails if I use that user.

I'm using Postman for testing, which I highly recommend:

Of course you'll use some specific language (or curl) when you're doing this in production, but for testing, you want to use Postman.

A helpful link

In addition to the API documentation, this link was very helpful to me:

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Special characters in passwords initially configuring IBM Control Desk

Several of the screens displayed by ConfigUI tell you that some passwords don't allow special characters. The rule of thumb I found the REALLY hard way is:

ONLY use underscore as a special character in any password initially.

We ran into problems mainly with dollar sign, but other ones will certainly bite you, too. We even ran into the problem with the root user's password. Any password can be changed after the initial deployment, so save yourself some headache and make them initially very simple. And the painful part is that some of the errors will just be silent, such as "Unable to access host with these credentials", but no other error. So just take the advice above and you'll be much happier.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Maximo 7.6.1 includes entitlement for Cognos Analytics 11

Cognos Analytics 11 is the all-new Cognos product built for self-service business analytics, competing with the likes of Tableau and Microsoft BI. Pam Denny at IBM created a 13-part video series about this new entitlement here:

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Processing JSON in automation scripts in IBM Control Desk 7.6


You may need to deal with JSON-formatted data in an automation script, and it can be a little tricky. I've written this post to provide the few little pointers to make it easier for you.


You can write automation scripts in Rhino JavaScript or Jython. While Jython is the most common language used for automation scripts, it turns out that JSON processing is MUCH easier in JavaScript. Specifically, in a JavaScript automation script, you have access to the popular object named JSON that will give you everything you need. Here's an example:

var jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);

And that's it. You can now work with jsonObject as a JSON object as described in this reference material from w3schools:

As far as I know, this will work in both WebSphere and WebLogic application servers. One possible caveat is that the JavaScript engine is changing from JDK 7 to JDK 8. Here's more information on that:

Jython in WebSphere

For Maximo/ICD automation scripts, Jython is by far the most popular language. It's also more thoroughly documented and, IMO, easier to work with in this context. However, JSON parsing has a couple of caveats. Specifically, the Jython interpreter in ICD 7.6 is version 2.5.2, which doesn't have a built-in JSON parser (one was added in Jython version 2.6). However, we're still in luck because WebSphere actually includes a JAR file that provides JSON processing. The specific class that you need to import is :

from import JSONObject
my_json = JSONObject.parse(my_filebody)

And from there, you can deal with my_json appropriately according to the JavaDoc here:

Jython in WebLogic

Admittedly, I haven't tested this one. I've tested the above two, and from my research, I believe this will work. Specifically, these two links give the necessary information:

If you find that it doesn't work, please ping me and I'll help you get it to work then update this entry as necessary.

With that in mind, you just need to import the appropriate classes in your automation script:

from javax.json import Json
from javax.json import JsonObject

And there you go.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Reading and writing files in a Maximo automation script


All of the product documentation tells you to use the product provided logging for debugging automation scripts (see here, for example: ). For quick debugging, however, I thought that was cumbersome, so I decided to figure out how to access files directly from within an automation script. This post goes over exactly what's required to do that. Maximo supports Jython and Rhino-JavaScript for automation scripting, and I'll cover both of those here.


This one was straightforward, since the Python documentation can be followed exactly. Jython is simply an implementation of Python written completely in Java. All you need to open a file is:

my_file = open('c:/tmp/outfile.txt','a')

where 'a' specifies that we're appending to the file (and creating it if it doesn't exist). You then do need to flush and close the file, and this is my function to do that:

def logit(mytext):
  my_file = open('c:/tmp/jout.txt','a')
  my_file.write(mytext + '\n')

So to log a string, just run:

logit("this is my string")

Reading from a file is just as easy:

my_read = open('c:/tmp/computers.json')
my_json = my_read.readline()

In my case, the file contains one long line of JSON data, so readline() works great to store all of the text of the file into the string named my_json.


This one is quite a bit more painful than Jython, which is really just one more reason that all of your automation scripts should be written in Jython. Specifically, the Rhino implementation in Maximo doesn't seem to completely adhere to the documentation you'll fine online. For example, there is no "ReadFile()" method available in Maximo. There are also other limitations, and the only way I found to get over them was to use Java classes. I thought that would make it easy, but then you have to deal with the fact that Java objects (specifically Array objects) are absolutely not the same as JavaScript objects. 

So, writing a file isn't too difficult once you realize that you need to use Java. Here's how you open and write a file:

var outFile = new"c:/tmp/autoscriptout.txt");
outfile.write("my string");

The hard part is actually reading data from the file. Using the same JSON file as above with one long line of JSON, the following is required to read that data into a JavaScript string that can then be parsed:

  thefile = new"c:/tmp/computers.json"),
  filelength = thefile.length(),
  thefilereader = new,
  jsonData = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Character.TYPE,filelength),
  res =,0,filelength),
  jsonString = new java.lang.String(jsonData);

And now all of the JSON data is in the string named jsonString.


Friday, January 19, 2018

IBM Maximo named a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Asset Management!

Something very important to note is that the IBM Control Desk product is built entirely on Maximo. So almost all of the features and capabilities that put Maximo into Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Asset Management are also included in IBM Control Desk.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

Force change of global system property in Maximo

UPDATE 6/3/2020

Another way to resolve this issue is to point to a local file as described here:

And put the property in that file.


I recently encountered an issue in one of my ICD 7.6 installations where a global system property had an incorrect value set that I needed to change without rebuilding my MAXIMO.EAR file. This post is a description of the problem and my eventual "fix". It's just a test environment, and this is NOT a resolution that I would recommend for a production system. But I wanted to document the details to possibly help others in similar situations.


I installed ICD 7.6 and chose to use the maxdemo DB2 database script during configuration. This apparently set the global property to , and that is an invalid value. This system property should either be unset or set to   (with no trailing "s"). The problem that this causes is that any attempt to click on the "Run reports" action gives an HTTP 404 error. 

It took a while to run this down, but finally looking in System Configuration->Platform Configuration->System Properties showed me the setting for this system property:

Notice that I'm unable to modify the value AND "File Override?" is checked. So this means the value is set somewhere in the filesystem. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the value anywhere in any file on the system, so the only normal way around this is to modify on the Admin workstation, rebuild MAXIMO.EAR, then redeploy the EAR file. But I didn't want to do that for various reasons. Also, since "Global Only?" is set to true, I couldn't create an instance-specific property with the same name and different value. 

My "solution"

I tried several different tactics, but the one that finally worked for me was to directly update the database to set "User Defined?" true for this property so I could then delete it and create an instance-specific property with the same name. The SQL command I used to make this change was:

update maxprop set userdefined=1 where propname = ''

After running the above SQL command from a DB2 command prompt, I could then create an instance-specific property with the same name but with the correct value. Once I did that, I was able to successfully run all* BIRT reports.

All* reports?

Actually, the demo database script has at least one problem. Specifically, the CI named RBA_SERVER has a problem that causes the "CI List" report to fail. To get around this issue, you need to first find and delete the WORKORDER that references the RBA_SERVER CI, and then you can delete the RBA_SERVER CI. Once you delete that CI, you'll be able to successfully run the "CI List" report.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Debugging Remote Control in IBM Control Desk


One of the many great features in IBM Control Desk is the ability to have a service desk agent remotely take control of a user's machine for troubleshooting (or repair) purposes. This function leverages the IBM BigFix for Remote Control agent on the target machine and a JNLP file on the server that launches a JAR file on the agent's machine.


The architecture is fairly simple. The JAR file running on the agent's machine communicates DIRECTLY with the BigFix Remote Control agent on the user's machine, which listens by default on port 888. This means that any firewalls between the agent's machine and the user's machine must allow a connection to port 888 on the user's machine.

Installing the Agent on the User's Machine

If you manually install the agent, it prompts you for the server name and port, but these values are ignored if you don't have BigFix in your environment. So if you don't have BigFix in your environment, these two values can be anything you want - it doesn't matter. It also asks you for the port that the agent should listen on. This is 888 by default, but can be changed to anything you'd like.

Launching the Controller Interface in debug mode on the Agent's Machine

This can be done in several ways from the ICD GUI, but going that route doesn't actually allow you to put the Controller interface into debug mode. To do that, you need to copy the TRCConsole.jar file from any of your ICD application servers or from the Administrative Workstation. Search for the file by name and you'll find it. Copy this file to the agent's machine.

On the agent machine, you need to launch the JAR file with the --debug flag:

TRCConsole.jar --debug

This will create a file named trctrace_<date_timestamp>.log in your %HOMEPATH% folder. This file will contain detailed tracing information that can be used for debugging.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Automated testing for IBM Control Desk

Last year IBM made available the Selenium Automation Toolkit for Maximo, which includes IBM Control Desk. More information can be found here:

More information about Selenium itself can be found here:

IBM uses Selenium in several tools, including IBM Performance Manager and IBM Application Performance Manager. Essentially, it's used for recording and playing back web browser interactions.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Maximo: How to view data from an arbitrary table

I recently had a need to view data in a Maximo table, but didn't have direct access to the database. So I wanted to find a way to use the Maximo Application Developer to get me this data. As I thought, it's very straightforward. Basically, you just need to create, configure, authorize and launch a dialog that specifies the table (MBO) as its source.

Mainly, follow the thorough instructions found here:

The parts of interest are:

In the dialog element, specify the appropriate mboname:

<dialog id="Testing" mboname="WARRANTYVIEW" label="Contract financial info" >

In this example, the MBO is "WARRANTYVIEW".

Also, you need to specify your MBO's attributes in with the "dataatribute" attribute of each appropriate control:

<textbox id="finaninfo_grid_s1_1"dataattribute="totalcost" />

In this case, "totalcost" is the name of the attribute that will be displayed. Yours will be different.

And that's it for my usecase. The MBO used by the dialog doesn't have to have any relationship to the main MBO attached to the application.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

All of the applications included in IBM Control Desk for Service Providers 7.6 and

Just thought this would be useful information to publish. Screenshots of all of the Applications you can select from the "Go To" menu and submenus in ICD 7.6 and

Friday, September 9, 2016

Adding an additional hostname to Maximo on WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server

When you install Maximo (IBM Control Desk in this case) on IBM HTTP Server and WebSphere, the installation creates all of the virtual hosts you need based on the hostname of the IBM HTTP Server(s) that you include in your environment. However, you may need users to access the application using a different hostname (maybe one that's accessible from the Internet, for example). If you simply add a DNS CNAME record for your web server, you'll get an error when you try to access the application with that hostname.

To fix this problem, you need to add a Host Alias to each of the appropriate Virtual Hosts that you have defined for Maximo, then restart the application server(s). Here's how:

1. In my environment, I want to be able to access Maximo using the URL:


The two servers participating in my cluster are named icd1 and icd2. I'm adding an entry in my /etc/hosts (or \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) file for icdcommon to be an alias for icd1.

(In a real environment, you would be modifying DNS appropriately).

2. Log into the WebSphere admin console at http://dmgr_host:9060/admin

3. Navigate to Environment->Virtual Hosts, where you will see multiple virtual hosts. I have the application configured in a cluster named MXCLUSTER, so the virtual hosts of interest to me are:


4. For each of the above Virtual Hosts, click on that host then click the Host aliases link.

5. Click the New button to add a new entry and in that entry, specify:

Host Name: icdcommon
Port: 80

6. Click OK, then click the save link at the top of the page (or you can wait until your done to click save).

7. Once you've done the above for each of the three Virtual Hosts, you need to restart all IBM HTTP Servers AND all application servers.

8. Now you should be able to access the application with http://icdcommon/maximo (you may need to restart your browser).

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Installing IBM Control Desk 7.6 on RHEL 6.5 in a test environment

The biggest hitch you'll encounter when installing ICD 7.6 on Redhat Linux in a dev/test environment is the error

CTGIN8264E : Hostname failure : System hostname is not fully qualified

And the reason it's a big hitch is because the error is misleading. You do need to have your hostname set to your FQDN, but you also need to have an actual DNS (not just /etc/hosts, but true DNS) A record for your hostname. If you don't already have one that you can update, you can install the package named:

The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS (Domain Name System) server

It is available on the base Redhat install DVD.