The file you need to update (after installing the Deployment Service) is:
In that file, you'll see multiple stanzas similar to this:
"os": {
"release": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release",
"arch": "64",
"version": ["6.5","6.4"]
You need to update the line that contains "version" to be:
"version": ["6.6","6.5","6.4"]
And then the wizard can complete.
Some background:
I found this because I saw the error:
"DeployTaskFailed: Failed to execute deployment task: deploy-precheck, error message: precheck failed on ico24demo.mynet.fooincorrect os version,expected:['6.5', '6.4']actually:6.6\n\n"
And I ran the following command in multiple directories:
grep -r "6\.5" *
until I found the file I needed to change.