Showing posts with label XML Toolkit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XML Toolkit. Show all posts

Friday, April 24, 2015

Customizing ITNM->TBSM Integration

This week at a customer site we've been customizing the integration of ITNM data into TBSM. While the ITNM DLA provides topology data, this large customer needed more detailed information. Some highlights of the work done:

We integrated ITNM with TBSM using a policy and the XMLToolkit. The requirement was to represent the MPLS VPNs in a service tree and show the VPN Type, VPN Name, devices used in the VPN and the interfaces on the devices. ITNM does not represent the data this and default import using the DLA didn't give us what we wanted or needed.

We started scouring the ITNM Oracle database and found the entityID's for the devices and worked from there to find the devices, interfaces and vpn names and types and then built the service tree hierarchy based on the SQL query. This process created book that the XMLtoolkit read (API data).

We can provide innovative solutions for you, too. Contact Tony Delgross at to get the ball rolling.