kubectl exec --stdin --tty kibana_podname -- /bin/bash
you'll find that there's no editor available (like vi or even ed). You can cat config/kibana.yml, but the comments state that it is auto-generated. So what are you supposed to do to add an a setting to the file? For example, you might need to add a value for xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey so you can configure alerting.
The solution I came up with is a multi-step process:
1. Get the default values.yaml file for the chart and store that in a file with the command:
helm show values elastic/kibana > /tmp/kibana.yaml
2. Edit that file to add a section for kibana.yml under kibanaConfig. Originally, kibanaConfig is empty (set to {}). You need to change it to be something like:
kibana.yml: |
xpack.encryptedSaveObject.encryptionKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3. Now (unintuitively at least to me) uninstall the helm chart with:
helm uninstall kibana
3. Then install the helm chart again with:
helm install kibana elastic/kibana -f /tmp/kibana.yaml
And that's it. Your changes will be applied and you're good to go.
I'm pretty sure there's a way to create a configMap and reference it, which would then allow you to just delete the pod to have it re-read the configMap, but I haven't figured out those exact details. Maybe in another post.