Friday, March 7, 2008

Reserved letters in ITM 6.1 Metafiles

In ITM 6.1, you create things called metafiles to define data structures for Universal Agent integration. It turns out there are actually reserverd letters that cannot be used to begin an application name in ITM 6.1.

Here is an example of a metafile that is OK, we have a simple Application name called Paging_Space.

//APPL Paging_Space
//NAME Paging_Space S AddTimeStamp Interval=300
//Source script
FreePageSpace D 32

Here is an example of one that is using a Reserved letter in the APPL field:

//APPL Kitty_Paging_Space
//NAME AIX_Paging_Space S AddTimeStamp Interval=300
//Source script
FreePageSpace D 32

Notice the difference - in the APPL line I start the Application name with the word Kitty. The "K" is a reserved letter, you cannot have an application name begin with the letter "K".

Holy Cow Batman - I haven't been able to find this documented anywhere...

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