Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Customizing bash command line completion

What am I talking about?

In the bash shell on Linux, you can type a character or two then hit the TAB key to get a list of the commands that start with those characters. You can do the same to complete the name of a file you're trying to edit or directory you're trying to change to. It turns out that you can customize this command line completion behavior by installing the "bash-completion" package. This package is often installed by default and has been available for several years.

What can you do with bash-completion?

You can have the TAB key complete command arguments for you. For example, the 'curl' command has tons of arguments. You can customize bash to auto-complete the parameters for you. You just need to create a specifically coded file named 'curl' in the /etc/bash_completion.d folder. Here's a great tutorial on creating these command completion scripts:

Even more helpful, here is a ton of them that have already been created:

If you've got a command with tons of options, you can use this to make it easier for you or your users to successfully create a working command.

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