Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Including Javascript functions in your BIRT reports

BIRT provides a very tight integration with Java/Java Script for customizing your reports. Most of the time, you embed your JavaScript within your reports and you have to modify each of the reports if something need to be changed.

However, there is a better way especially for some frequently used functions. You can put them in a .js file and re-use them across your reports. Here is how to do it.

1. Create a set of Java Script functions (such as for logging, modifying your queries, etc) and put it in a file. (e.g. GbsFunctions.js)

2. Save the file under somewhere under your resource directory, which can be set using Window->Preferences->Report Design->Resource->Resource folder within Eclipse. (e.g. resourcedir/GBS/scripts/GbsFunctions.js).

3. Now add the following XML tag to your XML source of the reports. Make sure that the XML you add doesn't result in malformed XML. (e.g. add just before <data-sources> tag).
<list-property name="includeScripts">

4. Now, you can access the functions listed in GbsFunctions.js within BIRT.

Hope you find this useful.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A great new draft Redbook is available

Integrating Tivoli Products

It's got lots of good information on integrating ITM, ITNM, TADDM, CCMDB, TBSM, etc., and is well worth the read.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

ITNM 3.8 Running as SUID root on AIX 6.1 Requires GSKit

If you plan to install ITNM 3.8 on AIX 6.1 as a non-root user and have it run as SUID root (as opposed to having the processes actually run as root, which is your other option after you go through the install), you will need to install at least GSKit

The reason I'm posting this is that you may unwittingly encounter these issues:

1. If you've already installed an ITM 6.2.1 agent on your AIX, you've got GSKit installed, but it's the wrong version. The version included with ITM 6.2.1 is This version will cause several of the ITNM processes to fail.

2. ITNM actually ships with the correct GSKit libraries, but it simply copies those libraries to your AIX machine underneath your ITNM install location. So you might think that you can just set your LIBPATH environment variable to use these GSKit libraries. HOWEVER, you would be wrong - when a process is running as SUID root on AIX, the ONLY directories it searches for necessary libraries are those that are HARD-CODED into the binary! You can see this library path for any binary with the command 'dump -Hv executable_file_name'.

3. If you choose to run ITNM as root (rather than SUID root), you won't have this problem because you can just set the LIBPATH environment variable appropriately.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Converting TDW Timestamps in MySQL

Hope you read my previous articles on converting TDW Timestamps into "normal" timestamps in DB2 and in JavaScript (BIRT). Recently, I had to re-write this function in MySQL. In case you wonder, ITNM uses MySQL as the poll data collection database and again the same problem manifested.

The solution in MySQL is similar to that of DB2 based solution. Create a function in MySQL database and call that function in your SQL. But here is how to do it.

  1. Bring up MySQL Administrator client and connect to the database in question.
  2. Goto Catalogs in your left pane and select the appropriate database schema.
  3. Goto Stored Procedure tab and click the "Create Stored Proc".
  4. In the name field, give a Name for the function (e.g. TDW_TO_NORMAL_TS) and click "Create FUNCTION" button.
  5. MySQL will create a skeleton function like below.
  6. Replace the "CREATE FUNCTION" to look like below.
  7. Between the "BEGIN" and "END" blocks, paste the following code.
    Declare normal_time datetime;
    Declare tdw_trunc bigint;
    Set tdw_trunc = substr(tdw_time,2,12);
    Set normal_time = DATE_FORMAT(tdw_trunc, '%y%m%d%H%i%s');
  8. That's it. Click on the "Execute SQL" button to save the newly created function.
  9. Call the function in your SQL Statements like below.
Hope you find this useful.

Friday, July 31, 2009

How to resolve odaconsumer.CannotPrepareStatement error in BIRT

I was just trying to create a simple report in BIRT using a flat file and got this error when trying to preview the data:

A BIRT exception occurred.
Plug-in Name:BIRT Data Engine
Error Code:odaconsumer.CannotPrepareStatement
Error Message:Failed to prepare the following query for the data set type org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.flatfile.dataSet.
[select "COLUMN_1", "COLUMN_2", "COLUMN_3" from mydata.txt : {}]
Invalid table name:mydata.txt

The problem turns out to be the location of my stupid file. I had placed it in C:\ and BIRT apparently doesn't like that at all. So I moved the file to a folder named C:\deleteme, then updated my Data Source and Data Set, and then all was well.

Configuring SNMPv3 on Linux

The two large differences between SNMPv3 and SNMPv2 (or v1, for that matter), are that:

1. it supports authentication via userid and password., and
2. it supports encryption

v1 and v2 don't support either of these. Their only means of authentication is via a "community string", which is basically like a password, but since it's always transferred over the network in the clear, it's not considered very secure.

On to the configuration:

First, read this post:

It gives you the basics, but leaves out one VERY critical step. Specifically:

You must now edit the line created in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf. Specifically, I changed it from:

rwuser MYUSER


rwuser MYUSER priv .1

This allows this user full access to all SNMP data. You can use a more specific OID to limit access to a specific portion of the MIB tree.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Basic Filters You Should add for ITCAM for Transactions 7.1

The WRT component of ITCAM for Transactions can identify a number of transactions that, when processed by the AMC component, will create Managed System names that WILL corrupt your EIB (and you can't delete them). To guard against this, you should create the following filters (in the Application Configuration Tool):

URL *%* exclude
URL ~* exclude
URL *"* exclude
URL *\* exclude
URL *(* exclude
URL *)* exclude
URL *^* exclude
URL *@* exclude
URL *|* exclude
URL *{* exclude
URL *}* exclude
URL *`* exclude (that's a backtick)

Basically, Managed Systems should only have characters that match this regular expression: [-A-Za-z0-9_:.] (that's a literal "period"). If a Managed System has characters NOT in that expression, then 'tacmd cleanms' will fail. 'gbscmd clearoffline' can be used, and it will succeed in at least submitting the request, but your TEMS will soon crash.

Some other filters you may want to include are:

BrowserDescription msnbot* exclude
BrowserDescription Googlebot* exclude
BrowserDescription *Googlebot* exclude
BrowserDescription WebTrends* exclude
BrowserDescription *Robot* exclude
BrowserDescription gsa-crawler* exclude
BrowserDescription ShopWiki* exclude