Note: This is mainly looking from a Windows endpoint perspective, but easy enough to apply to any OS.
Using wadminep
By making use of the wadminep command, you can issue a sequence of commands to delete the lcf.dat file and restart the endpoint with new configuration settings. The two arguments to use are remove_file and reexec_lcfd. These can be wrapped in a script (sh, perl) and executed against one or many targets. This method is easiest to implement, but is probably slower as it processes on endpoint at a time.
The basic steps are
You can either hard code the gateway name and port, or make these variables.
Using a software package
It is possible to create a software package that can be distributed to the targets to perform the same basic functions of the wadminep commands. The good thing with the software distribution method is that you can hit more targets at the same time and also use the MDIST2 features to help with the distribution (result info, timeouts, bandwidth, etc).
The only issue with using a software package is that you cannot just run a script that stops and starts the endpoint. If you run a script that stops the endpoint, it will also stop the script from executing and it will result in either an interrupted or failed state. To work around this issue, the package will need to execute a script that will spawn a new script and release. Since the spawned script will execute right away, a delay is needed, which is where the sleep command comes in handy.
This package will consist of 2 batch files and the sleep command. The sleep command may need to be included as this is not available on all Windows systems.
Batch File 1 - start_mig_ep.bat
This script will remove the old dat file from the endpoint and then spawn the restart_ep.bat script
@echo off
call "%SYSTEMROOT%\Tivoli\lcf\1\lcf_env.cmd"
REM Create backup directory in case the endpoitn needs to be moved back to the old TMR
if not exist "%LCF_DATDIR%\mig_bak" mkdir "%LCF_DATDIR%\mig_bak"
REM move the LCF files
if exist "%LCF_DATDIR%\lcf.dat" move /y "%LCF_DATDIR%\lcf.dat" "%LCF_DATDIR%\mig_bak\lcf.dat"
if exist "%LCF_DATDIR%\lcfd.log" move /y "%LCF_DATDIR%\lcfd.log" "%LCF_DATDIR%\mig_bak\lcfd.log"
REM Delete the bak/bk files. In some newer versions of endpoint, these files are created
del /f/q "%LCF_DATDIR%\*.bk"
del /f/q "%LCF_DATDIR%\*.bak"
start "Restart EP" "$(target_dir)\restart_ep.bat"
Batch File 2 - restart_ep.bat
This file will use sleep to give some time for the endpoint to report that it is completed and then continue with the endpoint restart. When the endpoint is restarted, the gateway parameter will be passed with a gateway from the new TMR.
@echo off
echo setting sleep for 30 seconds > "$(target_dir)\restart_ep.log"
call "$(target_dir)\sleep" 30 >> "$(target_dir)\restart_ep.log"
REM Stop the lcfd
call net stop lcfd >> "$(target_dir)\restart_ep.log"
REM Start the lcfd
call net start lcfd "/g$(gw_name)+9494" "/d3" >> "$(target_dir)\restart_ep.log"
Once the scripts are created, the software package can be created to send the files to the target and then execute the start_mig_ep.bat script. Some notes on the software package that will be required:
1. Variables will be required for the scripts
- target_dir: used as the destination for where the files will be sent and the script executed from. I have set this to be a subdirectory of the Tivoli endpoint install location. This is done using the environment variable LCF_DATDIR (case sensitive if on UNIX). The value I used is $(LCF_DATDIR)\..\..\..\temp (if installed in C:\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1, this would be C:\Tivoli\temp)
- gw_name: used to define the gateway to be used in the distribution. This will allow for different distributions to be sent to different gateways. This could be the ip address, short name or FQDN.
2. Use of the substitute variables. Each of the scripts have the Tivoli variables in them. In order for the scripts to be updated, the Substitute Variables checkbox needs to be checked. This is in the advanced file properties for the files.
Migrate_ep SPD file contents
"TIVOLI Software Package v4.2.3 - SPDF"
name = migrate_ep
title = "No title"
version = 1.0
web_view_mode = hidden
undoable = o
committable = o
history_reset = n
save_default_variables = n
creation_time = "2009-01-14 10:00:00"
last_modification_time = "2009-01-14 10:00:00"
target_dir = $(LCF_DATDIR)\..\..\..\temp
gw_name = gateway_name
location = $(target_dir)
unix_user_id = 0
unix_group_id = 0
unix_attributes = rwx,rx,
move_removing_host = y
no_check_source_host = y
lenient_distribution = y
default_operation = install
server_mode = all,force
operation_mode = not_transactional
post_notice = n
before_as_uid = 0
skip_non_zero = n
after_as_uid = 0
no_chk_on_rm = y
versioning_type = swd
package_type = refresh
sharing_control = none
stop_on_failure = y
stop_on_failure = y
add = y
replace_if_existing = y
replace_if_newer = n
remove_if_modified = n
location = C:\CID\SRC
name = migrate_ep
translate = n
destination = $(target_dir)
descend_dirs = n
remove_empty_dirs = y
is_shared = n
remove_extraneous = n
substitute_variables = y
unix_owner = root
unix_user_id = 0
unix_group_id = 0
preserve_unix = n
create_dirs = y
remote = n
compute_crc = n
verify_crc = n
delta_compressible = d
temporary = n
is_signature = n
compression_method = deflated
rename_if_locked = y
replace_if_existing = y
replace_if_newer = n
remove_if_modified = n
name = sleep.exe
translate = n
destination = sleep.exe
remove_empty_dirs = y
is_shared = n
remove_extraneous = n
substitute_variables = y
unix_owner = root
unix_user_id = 0
unix_group_id = 0
preserve_unix = n
create_dirs = y
remote = n
compute_crc = n
verify_crc = n
delta_compressible = d
temporary = n
is_signature = n
compression_method = deflated
rename_if_locked = y
replace_if_existing = y
replace_if_newer = n
remove_if_modified = n
name = restart_ep.bat
translate = n
destination = restart_ep.bat
remove_empty_dirs = y
is_shared = n
remove_extraneous = n
substitute_variables = y
unix_owner = root
unix_user_id = 0
unix_group_id = 0
preserve_unix = n
create_dirs = y
remote = n
compute_crc = n
verify_crc = n
delta_compressible = d
temporary = n
is_signature = n
compression_method = deflated
rename_if_locked = y
replace_if_existing = y
replace_if_newer = n
remove_if_modified = n
name = start_mig_ep.bat
translate = n
destination = start_mig_ep.bat
remove_empty_dirs = y
is_shared = n
remove_extraneous = n
substitute_variables = y
unix_owner = root
unix_user_id = 0
unix_group_id = 0
preserve_unix = n
create_dirs = y
remote = n
compute_crc = n
verify_crc = n
delta_compressible = d
temporary = n
is_signature = n
compression_method = deflated
rename_if_locked = y
caption = "Execute migrate batch file"
transactional = n
path = $(target_dir)\start_mig_ep.bat
inhibit_parsing = n
timeout = 300
unix_user_id = 0
unix_group_id = 0
user_input_required = n
output_file = $(target_dir)\start_mig_ep_out.log
error_file = $(target_dir)\start_mig_ep_err.log
output_file_append = n
error_file_append = n
reporting_stdout_on_server = n
reporting_stderr_on_server = n
max_stdout_size = 10000
max_stderr_size = 10000
bootable = n
retry = 1
success = 0,0
failure = 1,65535