Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Creating a Web Services/SOAP client in eclipse

The Eclipse development environment is very powerful, so I figured I would create a simple SOAP client in it from a given WSDL file. As it turns out, it's a little painful, so I wanted to write up the steps I had to go through.

I used Eclipse 3.3.2 (Europa) JEE: Eclipse 3.3.2 (Europa) JEE on Windows XP in a VM

I started with an empty Java project named "FirstJava".

First import your WSDL file into your project.
- Select the "src" folder of your proejct, right-click and select "Import"
- Choose General/File System
- Select the folder containing your file and click OK
- now place a check mark next to your WSDL file and click OK

Now download Tomcat. There is a built-in "J2EE Preview" that works for some things, but not for this.

Now create a new Target Runtime and server associated with Tomcat.
- Select the project and select Project->Properties, then select "Targeted Runtimes" on the left of the dialog.

- Click the "New" button
- Select Apache->Tomcat 5.5 AND ALSO CHECK "Also create new local server"

- Input the appropriate values as needed.

- Select the newly-create runtime

- Click OK to save the properties.

Create a new Web Services Client
- Right-click your WSDL file name and select New->Other..., then in the dialog displayed, select Web Services->Web Service Client).

- Your WSDL file name should be filled in at the top of the dialog

- In this dialog, use the slider underneath "Client Type" to specify "Test client" (move it all the way to the top).
- Click Finish.
- This will create a bunch of new code in your current project, plus it will create a new project (named "FirstJavaSample" in my case) with the JSPs you'll be able to (hopefully) run to test your client.

- This will give you an error about the JSP not supporting org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement[]. Just click OK several times until the error box goes away. We'll fix that later.

If all went well, you should see something like the following:

Now we have to fix the errors.

Create a JAR file named FirstJava.jar containing the contents of the bin directory of your FirstJava project.

Copy that file to the Tomcat "Common/lib" folder (C:/Apache/Tomcat5.5/Common/lib on my system).

You will additionally need to find these files under the eclipse/plugins directory and copy them to the Tomcat Common/Lib folder:


(If you can't find them on your system, use Google to find and download them. One of them - I don't recall which - was tricky to find for me because it was actually in another JAR file.)

Now stop the Tomcat server by selecting it in the "Servers" view and clicking the stop (red square) button.

Now re-run your application by opening the FirstJavaSample project and finding the file named "TestClient.jsp". Right-click that file and select Run As->Run On Server, select your Tomcat server and click Finish.

You should now see that things are working correctly.

You may need to edit the generated JSP files to add input fields and such, but that's specific to your particular file.

Good luck, and happy coding.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Enabling JMX in TBSM

Since TBSM runs on top of Tomcat, you can enable JMX access to TBSM's Tomcat server to give you some insight to how the JVM is doing. To do this, you'll need to edit the $NCHOME/bin/rad_server file to add a line (in the appropriate place, which should be easy to spot once you're in the file):

JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=8999 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false"

This specifies that no authentication is needed, which is fine in a test environment, but for a production environment, you would want to enable SSL and/or authentication (Google will find lots of links for you).

You do need to restart TBSM to have the changes take effect. Once it starts back up, you can view the JMX data using the jconsole command that is included with the Java 1.5 (and above) JDK. When you startup jconsole, specify the hostname of your TBSM server and port 8999 (specified above), with no user or password. That will give you a nifty GUI that looks like this:

One of the available tabs is "Memory", which will give you some (possibly) useful information about memory utilization in the JVM.

As you can see, there are other tabs, which you should investigate to see what additional information is available.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

TADDM TUG Presentation

I'm giving this presentation on TADDM for the NYC TUG today and the Philadelphia TUG tomorrow, and wanted to make it available online.

Full size: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2lRAtNC_A9BYkZ1THlEb3lMeEU

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Accessing your Windows files from a Linux VM

At least in VMWare Workstation 6.5 (and probably earlier versions, tho I'm not sure) running on Windows, you can easily access any of your host OS files from any Linux VM. You just need to enable Shared Folders (from VM->Settings, in the Options tab) and specify the folders you want to have accessible from Linux. Once you do this, you should see those folders under /mnt/hgfs in Linux. So it looks just like a regular filesystem from the Linux perspective.

Note: I verified this with CentOS 5.

Adding disk space to a Linux VM in VMWare

I had a CentOS 5 VM that just didn't have enought disk space, so I wanted to give it some more. I didn't think it would be too hard, and in the end it wasn't, but it sure took me a while to find all the steps to accomplish it. So here are the ones I found useful. YMMV :)

Host OS: Windows Vista x64 SP1

VMWare Software: VMWare Workstation 6.5

Guest OS: Centos 5 (code equivalent to RHEL5)

1. Power off the VM (have to do this to add a new disk)

2. Create a new virtual disk (this is the easy part)
a. Go into VM->Settings and in the Hardware tab, click the Add... button.
b. Follow the instructions. This is very straightforward. I created a new 8GB disk.

3. Power on the VM and log in as root.

4. I decided to use the LVM subsystem, and that's what these steps address:

a. Create a Physical Volume representing the new disk: pvcreate /dev/sdb
b. Extend the default Volume Group to contain the new PV:
vgextend VolGroup00 /dev/sdb

c. Extend the default Logical Volume to include the newly-acquired space in the VG:
lvextend --size +7.88G /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
(The disk is 8GB according to VMWare, but it looks like around 7.88GB to Linux)

d. Extend the device containing the / (root) filesystem to stretch across the entire LV:
resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00

And that's it. I took the defaults on installing CentOS, so my / (root) filesystem is of type ext3, which supports this dynamic resizing.

So in this case, this disk is basically tied to this VM. If you wanted to create a disk that could be used by different VMs, you would certainly go about it differently, but that's a different topic.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why don't databases have foreign keys any more?

If you've looked at a database from a vendor lately (Tivoli included; some example products that include databases are CCMDB, TADDM, ITCAM for WAS, ITCAM for RTT to name a few), you'll notice that there are very few (or NO) relationships between the tables. What this means is that you can't get a nice Entity Relationship Diagram from them, and that makes it quite a bit harder to write reports using the data in them. 

So why is it this way?

More and more, software developers are using Object-relational mapping (ORM) components to abstract the software from the database. Here is a pretty comprehensive list of object-relational mapping software. What this software does is abstract the data relationships from BOTH the software AND from the database, putting that relationship information into various files that are used by the selected ORM implementation. The impact this has is that it is difficult as a consumer/user of the software to write reports directly against the database - because the first step is having to reverse engineer the usage of the tables in the database.

What can be done about it?

I can think of a couple of approaches:

1. The best solution I can think of is that you need to ask the vendor for ERDs for all databases that will be used to store collected metrics. 

2. Since there may be some valid intellectual property-related arguments against no. 1 above, the next best approach would be to ask the vendor for the SQL needed to produce specific reports.

3. If neither of the above works, then reverse engineering is the only approach left. I've had success in this area by turning up the debugging on the software and looking for SQL "SELECT" statements in the log files. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Data visualization using Google Spreadsheets, Yahoo Pipes and Google Maps

OK, so this isn't a Tivoli-related post, but since a big part of what we all want to do is visualize data, I thought that this post that I found through reddit.com was an exellent description of how to use several free web-based utilities to gather and display data. Here's the link:

Here is the author's summary:

So to recap, we have scraped some data from a wikipedia page into a Google spreadsheet using the =importHTML formula, published a handful of rows from the table as CSV, consumed the CSV in a Yahoo pipe and created a geocoded KML feed from it, and then displayed it in a Yahoo map.

I haven't come up with an implementation that gathers Tivoli data, but I can think of one:

The main thing you would need is to get HTML that can be consumed by Google Spreadsheets. One way to do this would be with a JSP (on WAS) or PHP (on IBM HTTP Server) or other server-side language that makes SOAP or direct database calls to retrieve data from TDW and display it in HTML. Once you have that, you could then follow the steps in the article to viualize the data.