Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Netcool Omnibus Event Integration Facility

 Event Integration Facility (EIF) events date back to the days of the Tivoli Enterprise Console.  This event mechanism is robust and reliable, and still used today as a means to transport event information between ITM (and many other Tivoli products) and the EIF Probe for Omnibus.

The Netcool Omnibus Event Integration Facility is a software toolkit or SDK that can be used to send and receive EIF formatted events from within an application.  These EIF based applications are referred to as adapters.  The EIF toolkit provides many services to the adapter – some of these services include adapter configuration, event transport, event caching, automatic failover, and encryption via SSL or FIPS 140-2, to name a few.

You may be saying to yourself about now, well that’s cool, but with all the monitoring solutions out there and command line capabilities, why would I need to write my own adaptor?  That is a good question, and while the Omnibus EIF reference says:

The Event Integration Facility is a toolkit that expands the types of events and system information that you can monitor. You can use it to develop your own adapters, tailored to your network environment and to your specific needs.

I have found a useful feature to be receiving events rather than generating them. 

It’s not uncommon to find a company looking to replace both a legacy monitoring tool, and it’s event management system with IBM Tivoli Monitoring and Netcool Omnibus.   Many times the deployment of the ITM monitoring solution can be delayed while work is being done to implement automation and new processes within the new event management system – Netcool Omnibus.  This is usually a people/process delay not a technical one, but still delays the time to value of the overall solution.  

In some of these cases, use the EIF toolkit to develop an EIF receiver adapter, to “catch” ITM EIF events and then forward appropriate events on to the legacy event management system, can allow the ITM deployment to move forward.   Later, as the teams and processes are ready to begin transitioning the event management system, the adapter can be updated to forward only certain events to the legacy system and others to Omnibus, or perhaps to both for a period of time.  Ultimately the entire event flow is transition to Omnibus and the adapter eliminated from the environment.

I’ve used the Event Integration Facility toolkit a number of times in scenarios similar to this and for other things, and it can be a great tool to have in your tool belt.

For more information, see the Event Integration Facility Reference Manual, part of the Omnibus documentation set.  You can also find sample code shipped with the SDK, which is available for download with your Omnibus license.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

APM UI - Customizing with Agent Builder data - "the Basics"

The IBM SmartCloud Application Performance Management UI (APM UI) provides a fast and simple interface into data provided by IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM).  It can be rendered on anything from a web browser to a smart phone.  As expected, it also provides customization capabilities.  In this post, we'll walk through end-to-end the process of introducing data/metrics from a custom ITM Agent Builder agent into the APM UI.

You're encouraged to take a look at this presentation by Cheng Quan Li of IBM Development which provides a nice overview of Dashboard Customization in APM UI.

Additionally, the documentation for APM UI customization (v. was the current version at the time of writing) can be found here.

For the purposes of this customization "basics", we're going to keep things very simple.  No fancy charts or graphs - we will simply display tabular data.  Our intent is to get comfortable with the process of customizing APM UI.  In later articles we may dig deeper into making your presentation more flashy.

We have a custom-built ITM Agent Builder agent (GBS Supermarket) for this exercise.  The data coming from this agent represents the check-out lanes at a typical supermarket.  Each lane has a name as well as performance data such as how many customers are waiting in line and the average customer wait time.

Here's what our agent looks like within the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS):

Click the title to read more.