Monday, July 15, 2024

Tivoli Directory Integrator Certificate Chain Exception

 Saw this error today in an HTTP Client Connector in TDI 7.1.1: Certificate chaining error

I had the remote host's entire certificate chain imported into serverapi/testadmin.jks . I also made certain that my file was pointing to the correct JKS file, restarted the TDI CE multiple times, and it simply kept failing. I thought I was going crazy, so I:
  • stopped TDI CE
  • moved testadmin.jks
  • zeroed out testadmin.jks
  • started TDI CE
  • Went to the connector and clicked "Get Certificate" and it complained, whereas before it said "Certificate is already trusted", so I knew I was dealing with the correct JKS file.
  • FINALLY, out of desperation, I deleted the server certificate, but left the other two certs in the chain (the signer and the signer of THAT certificate), and THEN IT WORKED.

So I'm not certain what the moral of the story is, but that's how I solved this problem, which is slightly different than I've seen anywhere else and I wanted to record it to hopefully help anyone who runs into this in the future.

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