Monday, July 6, 2015

Loading the SCCD 7.5.1 Demo Content Package into SCCD (ICD) 7.5.3

This tip is specifically for SCCD 7.5.3.


When trying to install the SCCD 7.5.1 Content Pack into SCCD 7.5.3, you'll get an error about the column named GMAPSDISTANCEMATRIX. Specifically, the error will state that there is no default value and no values for that column in the data. The first round of errors come from the Data/SCCD_SI_MAPMANAGER.xml file in the content pack. If you manually download the content pack, you can view the file to see that the data it's complaining about really isn't there. And once you fix the errors found in that file, there are other errors.


Since this is just demo data on a demo system, I figured it was OK to modify the offending Maximo objects, and the modifications worked to eliminate the error and allow me to go through all of the scenarios. You should be on a demo system, so you should be OK with that stipulation.

To workaround the problem, you need to make two different types of database modifications within Maximo.

First, turn on Admin mode following these instructions:

Next, you need to mark that the following attributes are NOT required:


Go To Applications->System Configuration->Platform Configuration->Database Configuration and search for the MAPMANAGER object:

Select the object found and look for the each one of the listed attributes Attribute. You'll need to go to the second page of attributes to find SPATIALDISTANCEMATRIX.

You can then de-select "Required?" flag which will make it a non-required attribute (which corresponds to a column in the database). Once you've done this for the four attributes, click the Save button.

Now open the ASSET object and you need to add an attribute named AMCREW. Go into the ASSET object and add a new row named AMCREW. All of the default values work fine. This attribute won't hold any data - it just needs to be there.

Then go back to "List View" and select "Apply Configuration Changes on the left under "More Actions":

Once the process completes, you should see dialogs similar to the following:

At this point you can successfully install the content pack.