Monday, October 20, 2008
Why don't databases have foreign keys any more?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Data visualization using Google Spreadsheets, Yahoo Pipes and Google Maps
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Creating TPM Signatures for Multi_sz registry entries
One issue I came across was around the use of multi_sz type registry entries. This came up when scanning a Windows server, the operating system was not defined. In order to define the operating system the following keys were needed:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName=Microsoft Windows Server 2003
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CSDVersion=Service Pack 1
And the multi_sz
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions\ProductSuite=Blade Terminal Server
For this last key, the Blade and Terminal Server were on separate lines. After looking at other signatures that also used multi_sz, I could not see what was required to separate the lines, so I tried a space, \n and a couple others that never worked.
I then tried the dcmexport command and looked at other multi_sz definitions. They were useless as the character was not a normal ASCII character.
Then I found Windows signatures located in $TIO_HOME/eclipse/plugins/windows-operating-system/xml. In there I found the code & # 1 4 5 ; (remove the spaces) used in existing definitions. I then created the software signature, associated it with the Software Definition Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP1 (for lack of a better one for now), ran a scan and the operating system was recognized.
Hope this helps.
Monday, September 8, 2008
TCR Report Packages
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
And here's how to use extended attributes in TADDM
... you'll want to be able to populate them during discovery. And this requires the use of the SCRIPT: directive in your custom server template. The documentation on this is pretty sketchy, so that's why I'm including a full script here that will set the value of the "FrankCustom" custom attribute for a LinuxComputerSystem.
1. You must create the extended attribute named FrankCustom for the LinuxUnitaryComputerSystem class (or any class in its inheritance chain).
2. You must enable the LinuxComputerSystemTemplate custom Computer System sensor. You can do this from the TADDM GUI, Discovery drawer, click on Computer Systems, and edit the LinuxComputerSystemTemplate to set it to "enabled".
3. You have to create a file named $COLLATION_HOME/etc/templates/commands/LinuxComputerSystemTemplate with the following line:
If it's a Jython script you're calling (which it is in this case), the script filename MUST end with a ".py" extension. If you try to use ".jy", it will absolutely fail.
Now, you need to create the file /myscripts/ with the following contents:
import sys
import java
from java.lang import System
coll_home = System.getProperty("com.collation.home")
System.setProperty("jython.home",coll_home + "/external/jython-2.1")
System.setProperty("python.home",coll_home + "/external/jython-2.1")
jython_home = System.getProperty("jython.home")
sys.path.append(jython_home + "/Lib")
#sys.path.append(coll_home + "/lib/sensor-extensions")
sys.prefix = jython_home + "/Lib"
import traceback
import string
import re
import StringIO
import jarray
from java.lang import Class
from com.collation.platform.util import ModelFactory
from java.util import Properties
from java.util import HashMap
from import FileInputStream
from import ByteArrayOutputStream
from import ObjectOutputStream
#Get the osobject and the result object
os_handle = targets.get("osobject")
result = targets.get("result")
system = targets.get("system")
# two more pieces of information available
#env = targets.get("environment")
#seed = targets.get("seed")
# Execute a command (it's best to give the full path to the command) and
# store its output in the variable named output
output = os_handle.executeCommand("/bin/ls -l /tmp")
s_output = StringIO.StringIO(output)
output_list = s_output.readlines()
# This loop just stores the last line of output from the above command in
# the variable named "output_line"
for line in output_list:
output_line = line
#Get the AppServer ModelObject for the MsSql server
#app_server = result.getServer()
#Set up the HashMap for setting the extended attributes
#Call setExtendedAttributes on the AppServer
And there you have it. The examples you find in the documentation and on the TADDM wiki just won't lead you to any kind of success because they're missing some very key information.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Feel free to use extended attributes in TADDM
Don't let the documentation lead you astray - extended attributes in TADDM should be your LAST CHOICE for customization!
I realize that's a bold statement (especially since there's so much information about creating extended attributes in the documentation), but I'll explain why it's a valid statement:
1. You can't run any reports based on values stored in extended attributes! None. You can say, for example "give me all ComputerSystems where myCustomAttribute contains the string 'foo'". Just can't do it. The only call to get extended attribute values requires the GUID (or GUIDs) of the object(s) you're interested in. This is enough reason to stay away from extended attributes.
2. Extended attributes don't get imported into the CCMDB unless you do a LOT of customization to the TADDM integration adapter.
If you have custom data that you need to store in TADDM, what you need to do is become familiar with the CDM (Common Data Model) and the APIs available in TADDM. They are documented in three different archives that you have to extract (these all exist on your TADDM server): - contains information about the CDM, including entity relationship diagrams.
model-javadoc.tar.gz - contains javadoc information for interacting with model objects.
oalapi-javadoc.tar.gz - contains javadoc information for accessing TADDM, from which you may just output XML, or you might obtain references to model objects, whose methods are defined in the above file.
If you're reading these files on your own workstation, make sure to grab a fresh copy from the TADDM server after each fixpack, as Tivoli does update this documentation.
By reading and understanding the documentation above, you can determine the appropriate object types to use to effectively store all of your data.
Getting the TADDM Discovery Client (aka TADDM GUI) to run when you have Java 1.5 and 1.6 installed
The TADDM GUI uses the Java Web Start technology (i.e. a JNLP file) to run. This allows the application to be launched as a full-screen application (rather than just an applet) over the web. If you ONLY have Java 5 installed , there shouldn’t be a problem. But if you have 1.5 AND 1.6 installed, you’ll probably get an error stating something similar to:
[SunJDK14ConditionalEventPump] Exception occurred during event dispatching:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.StringBuffer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
at com.collation.gui.client.GuiMain.setApplicationFont(
at com.collation.gui.client.GuiMain.doLogin(
at com.collation.gui.client.GuiMain.access$100(