Below are the steps necessary to create Windows services for APM UI and SCR (Service Component Repository). In this scenario, we have the SCR database using DB2 vs. Derby.
We've also included the commands necessary to create the service for SCR on Derby (however, this hasn't been tested).
Our base install directory for the APM UI is C:\IBM\APMUI - your path may differ, adjust the commands below as appropriate.
- Download the Apache Commons Daemon (link).
- Extract and copy prunsrv.exe to C:\IBM\APMUI\bin\
- Open a Command Prompt and change into your C:\IBM\APMUI\bin directory
- Create the Windows service for SCR and have it depend on Tcpip and DB2 being up first.
prunsrv //IS//SCR --Startup=auto --DisplayName="IBM APMUI - SCR" --Description="IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile SCR" ++DependsOn=Tcpip ++DependsOn=DB2-0 --LogPath=C:\IBM\APMUI\usr\servers\apmui\logs --StdOutput=auto --StdError=auto --StartMode=exe --StartPath=C:\IBM\APMUI --StartImage=C:\IBM\APMUI\bin\server.bat --StartParams=start#scr --StopMode=exe --StopPath=C:\IBM\APMUI --StopImage=C:\IBM\APMUI\bin\server.bat --StopParams=stop#scr
- Create the Windows service for APMUI and have it depend on SCR being up first.
prunsrv //IS//APMUI --Startup=auto --DisplayName="IBM APMUI - APMUI" --Description="IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile APMUI" ++DependsOn=SCR --LogPath=C:\IBM\APMUI\usr\servers\apmui\logs --StdOutput=auto --StdError=auto --StartMode=exe --StartPath=C:\IBM\APMUI --StartImage=C:\IBM\APMUI\bin\server.bat --StartParams=start#apmui --StopMode=exe --StopPath=C:\IBM\APMUI --StopImage=C:\IBM\APMUI\bin\server.bat --StopParams=stop#apmui
Derby vs. DB2
If you have SCR running under Derby vs. DB2, you can create a third service for SCRDERBY. The start-up of SCR would then depend on SCRDERBY instead of DB2-0.- Create the Windows service for SCRDERBY and have it depend on TCPIP being up first
- In this case, have the SCR service depend on SCRDERBY instead of DB2.
The name specified after //IS// is effectively the "short name" for the service. So, you can issue commands such as "net start apmui", "net stop scrderby", etc. based on those names. As with all services, you can use the full Display Name if you enjoy typing (net start "IBM APMUI - APMUI", etc.)
The typical startup sequence would be:
- net start scrderby (if running Derby vs. DB2)
- net start scr
- net start apmui
The typical shutdown sequence would be:
- net stop apmui
- net stop scr
- net stop scrderby (if running Derby vs. DB2)
prunsrv Documentation/Usage:
Here's a link to the prunsrv documentation/usage.Sample - APMUI Service
Sample - APMUI Service Dependencies