Showing posts with label DASH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DASH. Show all posts

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Launch a page in JazzSM DASH without login page

The following is from an IBM Communities post on this topic by Detlef Kleinfelder . The link is also included, but those see to go dead on IBM's site, which is why I'm including the text:

you can launch a page directly with URL provinding the page id and an user-based token.

The user-based token has the encoded username and password that is used to authenticate and launch a page.


The URL convention is https://<FQDN>:16311/ibm/action/launch/<PageID>/<xlaunchCred>


FQDN = Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address
PageID = The Page ID of the DASH page
xlaunchCred = The user-based token generated by xlaunchapi.jar

The following STEPS will walk you through to obtain the required parameters:


  1. Get the Page ID of the DASH page. For example, to get the Page ID of DASH About Page, open the About page and click on the "Page" icon at the top right corner and click "About". The Page ID is under "General"

  1. Generate the  user-based token using xlaunchapi.jar, ensure all text in the command are all in one line as shown:
    ./java -cp /<JazzSM_HOME>/profile/installedApps/JazzSMNode01Cell/isc.ear/xlaunchapi.jar\$Encode <username> <password>

  • Replace <username> and <password> with the user you want to Single Sign On.


  • The command will return a string like:

  • L2NvbS5pYm0uaXNjLnhsYXVuY2gudXNlcm5hbWUvc21hZG1pbi9jb20uaWJtLmlzYy54bGF1bmNoLnBhc3N3b3JkL29iamVjdDAw

  1. Following the URL convention, https://<FQDN>:16311/ibm/action/launch/<PageID>/<xlaunchCred>, launch the DASH About Page. The page will launch without manually entering login and password.


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Configuring DASH/JazzSM and WebGUI HA using an ObjectServer database

 There is a great support article on this exact topic here:

There are just a few caveats that need I need to point out:

1. Use the webha.sql file from the above link to create the ObjectServer database. There are two similar files on your DASH/JazzSM server after the install, but both are incorrect.

2. The instructions in the link for configuring WebSphere are all manual, through the WebSphere Admin Console. To make things more easily repeatable, I created a file with all of the Jython WebSphere administrative commands required. Here are the contents of that file:

Thursday, June 4, 2015

DASH Customizations with data from ITNM and TBSM

Jason Shamroski is creating some custom dashboards for a customer this week using DASH, TBSM and a component developed by IV Blankenship for pulling ITNM topology data into DASH.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Impact recently released

And we've been able to do some pretty amazing stuff with it. Specifically, we've been able to pull ITNM multi-parent topology information into DASH using an Impact policy and display that data without using Java - only HTML5/JavaScript/CSS. Here's a screenshot of that data in DASH:

This is a better view of the data, with correct icons and state information: