Showing posts with label BPM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BPM. Show all posts

Friday, November 6, 2015

ICO 2.5: Deploy LAMP stack additional requirements

Once you get ICO 2.5 up and running, you'll have a few self-service offerings available in the dashboard, including "Deploy LAMP stack". This offering requires just a couple of additional configuration steps in addition to the documentation to get it to completely work.

1. You MUST have a flavor named "m1.medium" in your project and it must be large enough for your image named "linux_img".

2. Your linux_img needs to have the yum repositories available that provide httpd, mysql and php. On CentOS and RHEL, these packages are on the base DVD. To provide these to the VMs on my private network, I have these DVDs mounted under a central (private) web server's web root, and have these URLs configured in the appropriate /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo files on my linux_img image.

3. The MySQL expects to have access to the file named:


It runs this SQL script during install. You can download this file from

I simply placed this file on my image so it's there for every VM created.

That's it.

ICO 2.5: Where does the heat template for the "Deploy LAMP stack" come from?

ICO 2.5 comes with a few samples in the Self-Service Catalog, including one named "Deploy LAMP stack" (under "Deploy customized cloud services"). Once you have your linux_img image configured correctly and your linux_key key pair created, you can request this offering to deploy a LAMP stack among three machines: Apache, MySQL and PHP. I found the heat template command logs on each machine in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log and /tmp/install.log, and wanted to find where exactly that template was coming from. It took me far too long to find it because it's an inline string in the JavaScript code that can be seen with Business Process Designer. Specifically, you can find it in the Embeddable Deploy Lamp Template service in the SCOrchestrator OpenStack Services toolkit, in the Build Parameters element on the diagram, here:

You can see it in the green text as part of the "Implementation" in the bottom panel.