Showing posts with label KVM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KVM. Show all posts

Monday, September 28, 2015

There's an updated cloud in town Part 3: Reinstalling everything

The prerequisite checker doesn't check the ICMWO fixpack

ICO 2.5 has a great prerequisite check script, but I found out the hard way that it doesn't check to make sure you have the correct ICMWO fixpack installed (fp 2 or later is required). Specifically, what I got was a crash of the script, rather than anything useful. Even after I made it so the script didn't crash, the error still didn't directly point to the fact that I had forgotten to install the fixpack. Here's the failure message I received at the end of the output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt/hgfs/ico25/ico_install/installer/", line 347, in <module>
    if not validator.validate(param_dict, prereq, log_file) and not os.path.exists("/tmp/skip-checking"):
  File "/mnt/hgfs/ico25/ico_install/installer/validator/", line 74, in validate
    openstackServices.validate(params, response1, messageValidator)
  File "/mnt/hgfs/ico25/ico_install/installer/validator/", line 70, in validate
    if not user_response:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'user_response' referenced before assignment

I edited line 70 of to allow it to at least complete correctly, and this was the error message at that point:

 -  Checking that the following services are available: ['cinder', 'glance', 'nova', 'neutron|nova network']
   -  Status: Failed
   -  The following services must be available and running : ['cinder', 'glance', 'nova', 'neutron|nova network']
ERROR: The cinder service API is not enabled
   -  User response: Ensure that the openstack services are available

All of those services were running, but it jarred me into remembering that I hadn't installed FP3. Once I installed the fixpack, the prereq checker script and install were able to complete successfully.

Verifying you ran correctly

To verify that you ran the script correctly on your servers, open the OpenStack Dashboard (https://openstack_controller) and navigate to IDENTITY->Domains, then click the down arrow far to the right of a domain and select Edit Domain to get this dialog:

Specifically, notice that there are 5 tabs: Domain Information, Domain Members, Domain Groups, Domain Administrators, Quota and Availability Zones. This is how it should look. If it doesn't, you did something wrong in running the script. I think my problem was that I ran it twice on my controller - once with the "master_controller" option and once with the "controller" option. I should have only run it ONCE, with the "master_controller" option.

You will need to go to the Availability Zones tab and add the "nova" availability zone to the Default domain.

Also navigate to IDENTITY->Projects and click the down arrow to the far right of the "admin" project, then select Edit project and you should see this dialog:

Notice that it has an Availability Zones tab. Again, that is not there if the scripts didn't run correctly.

And now for the project (similar to the domain above), you will need to go to the Availability Zones tab and add the "nova" availability zone to the projects you'll be working with through ICO.