Thursday, August 17, 2023

Upgrading from IBM Installation Manager 1.8.x to 1.9.x

This is a little tricky because both the documentation and the error message you receive when you try to follow the documentation both lead you in the wrong direction if you currently have IIM installed in "Group mode".

Specifically, the docs tell you to add the new IIM repository.config as a repository to your current IIM 1.8.x installation and to click Update. However, when you do that, it fails and tells you to run the "userinst" command from the new version. This is the correct command to run IF you initially installed IIM in "User mode". But if you originally installed in Group mode, you need to run the "groupinst" command instead.

When you do run "groupinst" (or "userinst" or "install" if you installed it originally in "Admin mode") from the new IIM, you need to make sure to specify the same Data location as you previously used. It will simply use the default value by default, so you need to explicitly state the correct location. ADDITIONALLY, if you specified a custom data location on your original install, you need to copy the InstallationManager.dat file from under that location (run a 'find' to find it) to this location :


This is the default location that IIM looks in for the file. If you don't copy this file over, it will tell you that there's an inconsistency in your install. Here's the error you'll see:

The Installation Manager's registry information is inconsistent with its installation information.

The registry information at "/home/netcool/var/ibm/InstallationManager_Group/etc/.ibm/registry/Installationmanager.dat" indicates that the Installation manager is not installed. however. the information at the "/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/IM/var/ibm/InstallationManager_group" data location indicates that Installation manager 1.8.9 (internal version: 1.8.9000.20180313_1417) is installed at location "/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/IM/InstallationManager_Group/eclipse".

Copy the file over, and you'll no longer get the error.

Also, as a handy piece of information, that file contains the Data Location, specified on the "appDataLocation=" line.

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